北明、 鄭義致捷克駐華盛頓大使館 唁電
Czech Embassy in Washington DC
December 19, 2011
Dear Mr. Ambassador Petr Gandalovic,
We are deeply saddened to hear Mr. Václav Havel, the former president of Czech Republic, has passed away. We courteously ask you to convey our condolences to his family and the people of Czech.
Mr. Havel is among the foremost figures to have catalyzed the collapse of totalitarian communism in Europe in 1989, and he was a prophet who had deciphered the secret of communist rule with his unparalleled insights. As a symbol for the pursuit of freedom, he was not only a great European statesman of our century, he also stood against the dictatorship in the east. He had lent his support to struggle for democracy and freedoms in China. He was a dear brother of the Chinese people still struggling under an oppressive regime. And he has been a tremendous source of inspiration for advocates of freedom among Chinese intellectuals.
His passing is a great loss for the world, and for China, which has been struggling for freedom for 100 years and finds itself once again in a crossroad, nothing can compensate for this loss.
We had the honor and good fortune to meet him. His gentleness, modesty, wisdom, humor, sincerity, earnest and warmth left indelible impressions on us.
As fellow writers and spiritual brothers, as seekers of freedom and dignity, and as fellow believers in non-violent struggle and beneficiaries of his iron resolve, we will always remember him. We believe he will live forever in the heart of freedom-loving Chinese.
Bei Ming (北明) , Zheng Yi(鄭義)
Chinese writers in exile
Washington, DC